Ear Piercings
Ear ( or any ) piercings are not allowed on the field during a match and must be removed. We do not allow the use of tape or band aids to cover the piercing.
FIFA / IFAB’s Laws of the Game, 4.1 prohibit wearing earrings during all matches. NTTSA rule 3.14 Rules of Competition follow IFAB’s Laws of the Game unless those have been modified by NTTSA or Member Associations. you can see the relevant rule by following this link.
A copy of the relevant rule is also included below:
A player must not use equipment or wear anything that is dangerous.
All items of jewellery (necklaces, rings, bracelets, earrings, leather bands, rubber bands, etc.) are forbidden and must be removed. Using tape to cover jewellery is not permitted.
The players must be inspected before the start of the match and substitutes before they enter the field of play. If a player is wearing or using unauthorised/dangerous equipment or jewellery, the referee must order the player to:
remove the item
leave the field of play at the next stoppage if the player is unable or unwilling to comply
A player who refuses to comply or wears the item again must be cautioned.